Thursday, June 10, 2010

A Dose of Reality....oh, and Iced Tea Day.

I really, honestly, considered not even blogging today. And then I reminded myself of how oddly encouraging it can be to see someone else experiencing the exact same struggles as myself. I am confident that many of you (well, maybe the two of you that will read this) have experienced a day similar to mine. It started out alright...we headed over to a friend's house for a play date. I had a blast chatting it up with my friend, and Cooper enjoyed playing with toys that were new to him. Have you ever tried to take a picture of someone on a trampoline? Even WITH my camera's "Kids and Dog" setting, this was the best I got:

Anyway....we came home for nap time....and then the REST of the day happened. Tantrums pretty much whenever something didn't go Cooper's way. It's exhausting, let me tell you! Well, I probably don't have to. Our "Cool Summer Days" activity was to make iced tea together, which we still did. To a certain extent, Cooper enjoyed it. He helped pour the ingredients in, had a sip (which he LOVED by the way, it's sweet tea, that's why), and the task was completed. But, dad ended up with leftover Rubio's for dinner, mom had cereal, and for the last half hour before daddy got home at 6:20, Cooper enjoyed being plopped down in front of the TV for a little one on one time with Sesame Street, you know, for mom's sanity. =) I guess my encouragement for the day is....even though things don't always (or rarely) go as planned....there's always tomorrow to start fresh. Cheers to tomorrow, and for now....good night!


  1. So true mommies we need to be reminded that we're not perfect and we ALL have those kind of days!! But like you said, there's always another day. Let's hope it is filled with smiles and joy tomorrow!! :)

  2. Hmmm... Your out of the norm day sounds like my day every day! I think my 1 1/2 year old is starting his "terrible two's" early! I just try and keep a smile on my face and remember that even if he throws tantrums and yells or tries to hit, that I am truly blessed! Just taking it one day at a time! And reading your blog does brighten my day because you encourage me to be a better mom! Thank you for doing this! :)

  3. lol Well, you both were probably already tired after the play date. That always exhausts me. The tantrums and yelling and all that have been really driving me nuts lately. I'm with ya on that one for sure. (I always read what you write.)

  4. Good to hear ladies...all so very true! I'll let you know how today goes. =)

  5. Well at least I'm not the only one who had a bad day. My son and his friend toppled a hard wooden Pottery Barn kid chair on my face today while I was trying to close my eyes for a second. I have not been feeling well and went outside to keep an eye on them, so I laid down next to the chair no one was using. It was an accident, but my nose is still swollen. Then after that we had a lot of back talking followed by wrestling with big sister followed by one big time out.


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