We did this exact same thing last year in honor of Donald Duck’s birthday, went to a local pond to feed the ducks. This year, Cooper actually knows who Donald Duck is, so that makes it even more fun! The ducks were slightly hungrier and/or friendly this year, almost to the point of it being frightening! They were swarming our car before we even got out! Check it out: Cooper kept saying, “There are ducks everywhere!!”
A fun bonus I did this year was sent out an e-mail inviting some local mommy friends to join us in some of the activities we were planning. It’s been fun to see what friends show up each time! Cooper, my little social bug, is always curious to see what friends may join us.
One friend even printed out cute little Donald Duck coloring sheets for her girls, so fun! Cooper ended up doing the exact same thing as last year, chowing down on some of the bread after feeding the ducks.We keep joking that this little friend is Cooper’s first girlfriend…they’re just so stinkin’ cute around each other! Look!
Seriously? My son the romantic already!! NOT READY!
Anyway, we had a blast and even Allie joined in on the fun! =)
Thanks Donald Duck for giving us an excuse to feed the ducks! Check out how much Cooper has grown since last year here! IF my son is well behaved after nap, I may let him watch a little Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, too. Who knows, though…he’s been a bit crabby today. Here’s to hoping! =)
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