Hooray for fun, FREE activities on rainy days!
Seriously…June and it’s raining? NOT cool, NOT cool! I originally planned to head to downtown Sacramento to the visit the Art Beast, but the Lowe’s Build and Grow program came to my attention and I thought to myself two things:
#1: 40 min. drive to Art Beast vs. 10 min. drive to Lowe’s
#2: $16 at Art Beast vs. Free at Lowe’s
Conclusion? Lowe’s it is! AND, they were building a fire truck! What toddler doesn’t LOVE fire trucks?
Here’s some helpful information if you’re interested in the program:1. They are held Saturdays at 10am. Head on over here to check out what projects they are featuring and where.
2. You will receive a Lowe’s apron, hammer and safety goggles (which are PRICELESS! – I honestly felt MUCH safer with Cooper waving the hammer around whilst he was wearing the goggles) to bring with you to future clinics you attend. For each clinic, you receive a badge. Here’s ours from today: 3. You fill out a consent form (you know, probably in case your child hammers their finger or something…which may be a distinct possibility if they are not carefully watched) before they give you your project materials and turn you loose.
4. It may be different at different locations, but at ours, after they give you your materials, your on your own to follow the included instructions. Depending on your level of “handiness”, it’s a breeze or a challenge. If you have multiple children, it may feel slightly overwhelming. One child
Two children – mad props to my neighbor for handling the situation with the greatest of ease!
5. This is strictly my opinion, but…while helping your child build their project, because they will require help, don’t obsess over perfection! It’s THEIR project! It’s OK if something is crooked, or not just so. I say this mostly for myself, can you tell in this picture how terribly difficult it was for me to stand back and let him do his best? What fun we had! Cooper was quite proud of his completed project!
Just a few more fun pictures…check out the program! They do actually learn. =)
Apparently sticking out your tongue increases the level of concentration! So precious.
They immediately wanted to play with their new trucks!
Allie was an angel during our building project.
Thanks, Allie!
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