As you could tell from our 4th pictures, Cooper was introduced to the wagon. He nearly broke into tears every time the wagon came to a halt at the thought of having to exit. So, the next morning, we loaded into the car with the grandparents to head to Target to get him his very own wagon. I must admit, I have come to appreciate it already as well. He is quite the little happy camper in his wagon. We walked down to have breakfast at Mimi’s and also ran a few errands while we were out and about.
I also love that Cooper wants to take a friend with him in the wagon almost every time….either his sock monkey, teddy bear, somebody! So fun. Look at him hard at work helping Papa put the wagon together. This was his reaction to Grammy and Papa driving away. So sad!
Don’t fret! He recovered quickly. =)
So, I’ve discovered…wagons are a great investment! Even if he only uses it to and from the mailboxes, he LOVES it!
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