In sitting down to type up today’s blog post, I quickly scanned through my local drafts to see if I had started anything in the past I could finish up and post. And I’m glad I did! I found the start of #1 below (dated from April…2013, eek!), and came across two similarly adorable apps by the same maker that I had yet to download, “Endless Reader” and “Endless Numbers”. So, enjoy if you haven’t already downloaded these (for kids, obviously). And BONUS…they’re ALL free!!
(for Endless Numbers, I think only #1-5 come with it, you have to purchase the remaining #’s, but you can check it out for free)
#1. Endless alphabet

For starters, this gem of an app is FREE, and essentially teaches your kids letter sounds, spelling of words AND their definitions!

It shows a word, like above, and you drag the letters to where they belong. As you drag the letters, it repeats the letter sound over and over in a cute, fun voice! Then it says the word, followed with a short little skit depicting the definition, and then the word and definition are read one last time to wrap it all up.

Belch is ONE of my kids favorites, go fig!
#2. Endless reader

Seriously can’t wait for my soon to be kindergartner to dive into this one! Same idea, except AFTER you put the letters together for the word, a sentence pops up and you drag the words into place as they are said aloud.

Then, another cute skit to act out the sentence, and the sentence is read aloud, reinforcing reading skills.

#3. Endless numbers

While my son will likely get bored quickly with this one, I’m thinking it might be a huge help for my daughter. But, it does touch on addition, which might be helpful for my son, too.
Hope you enjoy these! At the very least, it makes me feel better when I let my kids have “screen time”. At least they’re actually learning something!