Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Octonaut Party Favors

Next up for me was the party favors. I’ve learned for myself that I tend to drag my feet on this aspect, then scramble at the end to throw them together. I saw the cute idea online to use the white treat boxes with the image of Peso’s band-aid from his medic kit. So, Oriental Trading, here I come! I ordered the white treat boxes that ended up looking like this:IMG_4658

We put them in alphabetical order so it’d be easy for guests to find theirs on their way out of the party. Here’s the sign that’s above the boxes:Party Favor Sign

Inside the favor boxes was shredded blue paper as filler, and the following gifts from Oriental Trading (click on the picture for the link):image

Fish-Shaped Water Games

I almost didn’t order these, because sheesh, it’s just junk, right? But then I remembered back to my childhood days and party favors and those silly little dentist plastic toy treats. I LOVED and cherished them, am I right? My decision was reaffirmed when we got our order in the mail and both my children immediately started playing with everything inside!


Shark Tank Bubbles


Tropical Fish Bouncing Balls

I’m sad to say I no longer see these on Oriental Trading, because both my kids LOVED them! In fact, it prompted my daughter to say “ball” for the first time. Anyway, they have others with monsters, or penguins, etc. in them. Super fun!


Stikeez Ocean Characters

These are teeny tiny, but cheap and fun! Basically, they just stick to smooth surfaces.

Shark Attack Snack Labels

Shark Attack Snack Mix

Of course I didn’t get any pictures of the assembled snacks, but basically we put gummy fish, green licorice pieces and peach rings in a snack bag with the topper above.

Here’s one more picture of the favors in a row, ready to go (the back has the band-aid image on them):IMG_4659

Puffer Fish

And last, but not least, we had “Puffer Fish” for the guests on their way out the door. Those punch balloons! I almost didn’t do this, I mean, there’s plenty already IN their favor boxes, but I’m SO glad I did. It’s hard to leave a fun party, and the promise of one more fun gift on the way out, helped many parents leave with less of a fight. I got them at Party City =) Here’s a pic of our Puffer Fish.IMG_4644

And here’s the image for ya as well!Puffer Fish Label

So, have I changed your thoughts about silly little party favors? I know it seems you can spend a fortune on *ahem, pardon my French* – crap, but the kids really do love them! Have your kids had party favors they loved, but you despised?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I wanted to thank you for your cute Octonaut ideas. We had our Octonaut party this weekend and it was a hit. I linked up to your post in my blog

    1. I checked out your post and I LOVED it! What a fantastic idea to tie it to a swim party. Thanks for giving me props. =) Glad it went well. And glad I could help in the tiniest bit.

  3. Hi I was wondering if you can share with me how to print out the right size to fit on top of snack bags lable for the shark attack? My sons birthday party is Sunday and I can't figure it out for the live of me!


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